Shine Border

Shine border is an animated background border effect.

Shine Border


Copy and paste the following code into your project.

"use client"
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"
type TColorProp = string | string[]
interface ShineBorderProps {
  borderRadius?: number
  borderWidth?: number
  duration?: number
  color?: TColorProp
  className?: string
  children: React.ReactNode
 * @name Shine Border
 * @description It is an animated background border effect component with easy to use and configurable props.
 * @param borderRadius defines the radius of the border.
 * @param borderWidth defines the width of the border.
 * @param duration defines the animation duration to be applied on the shining border
 * @param color a string or string array to define border color.
 * @param className defines the class name to be applied to the component
 * @param children contains react node elements.
export function ShineBorder({
  borderRadius = 8,
  borderWidth = 1,
  duration = 14,
  color = "#000000",
}: ShineBorderProps) {
  return (
          "--border-radius": `${borderRadius}px`,
        } as React.CSSProperties
        "relative grid min-h-[60px] w-fit min-w-[300px] place-items-center rounded-[--border-radius] bg-white p-3 text-black dark:bg-black dark:text-white",
            "--border-width": `${borderWidth}px`,
            "--border-radius": `${borderRadius}px`,
            "--shine-pulse-duration": `${duration}s`,
            "--mask-linear-gradient": `linear-gradient(#fff 0 0) content-box, linear-gradient(#fff 0 0)`,
            "--background-radial-gradient": `radial-gradient(transparent,transparent, ${
              color instanceof Array ? color.join(",") : color
          } as React.CSSProperties
        className={`before:bg-shine-size before:absolute before:inset-0 before:aspect-square before:size-full before:rounded-[--border-radius] before:p-[--border-width] before:will-change-[background-position] before:content-[""] before:![-webkit-mask-composite:xor] before:![mask-composite:exclude] before:[background-image:--background-radial-gradient] before:[background-size:300%_300%] before:[mask:--mask-linear-gradient] motion-safe:before:animate-[shine-pulse_var(--shine-pulse-duration)_infinite_linear]`}

Update the import paths to match your project setup.

Update tailwind.config.js

Add the following animations to your tailwind.config.js file:

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      keyframes: {
        "shine-pulse": {
          "0%": {
            "background-position": "0% 0%",
          "50%": {
            "background-position": "100% 100%",
          to: {
            "background-position": "0% 0%",



Shine Border


classNamestringThe class name to be applied to the component.
durationnumberDefines the animation duration to be applied on the shining border.14 seconds
colorstringDefines the color of the border.#FFFFFF
borderRadiusnumberDefines the radius of the border.8px
borderWidthnumberDefines the width of the border.1px
childrenReactNodeContains react node elements.